Category Archives: Without Him, I’m a Better Me


I noticed your limp today.
And couldn’t help but wonder.
If it’s all catching up with you.
Your nose does seem longer
And you’re always telling lies
So, could the tale be true?

If the tale were true
Wouldn’t that be a hoot?
The kids could finally spend
Quality time with you.
We could attach some strings.
And, take you where we go.
You’d never miss a ball game.
You’d never miss a show.

Of course, we’d change your name.
They’d no longer call you “Dad”.
How’s Pinnochio?
That doesn’t sound half bad.

To my Big Sis – What My Big Sister Would Say to him

Where are you when I need you, Ang?
Why can’t you be right there?
On the other end of the line
To ask “How do you dare?!
Ask my sister for anything
After all that you have done?
You SOB, you little worm, you worthless piece of scum!
And then today you have the nerve to call her up and ask
If she can help YOU with your cable bill?
It’s time you do some math!
You see, my little sister, she is working very hard.
Thanks to you and your lazy ass, there’s no money on her card.
She has not received child support in over two months now.
And, she’s trying desperately to pay her bills somehow.
What gives you the right to ask her for ANYTHING?
My sister owes you nothing now and forevermore.
You gave up that right when YOU walked out that door.
That’s right. You’re the one, the one that did the leaving.
So, move the hell on.
She’s done with your deceiving!”

I Enjoy Watching you Squirm

I enjoy watching you squirm.
Across from me like a wriggly worm.
Worried she might see you,
For what you really are,
Realizing she’s gone way too far.
Well, that won’t happen cause you’ll spin your lies.
That’s one of your traits she’ll come to despise.
You’ve gotta put a wedge between her and me.
Just like you did with your first ex and me.
You can’t risk us getting along.
No way, no how,
That would make for a great country song!

Without him, I’m a Better Me

Without him, I’m a better me.
Without him, we’re a better “we”.
Without him, we laugh and play.
Without him, it’s a brighter day.
Without him, we go to church.
Without him, we no longer search
For peace and love in our own home.
It’s always there wherever we roam.
Without him, we found Him.
Without him the Light is no longer dim.
Without him, I’m a better me.
Without him, we’re a better “we”.

You’re Nothing Like My Daddy

You’re nothing like MY Daddy.
You never will compare.
You look out for your best interests,
And you never really care,
What the rest of us are doing,
Or what any of us might need,
It’s all about what you want,
And you make sure that you get it,
You have your ways of convincing me,
To do things that are stupid,
And, somehow you think I should care about your circumstances,
You should get a refund and I should just get screwed,
Well, no matter how much I might owe,
This will be your one last screw,
So, I’ve decided to enjoy myself,
And stick it to you,
Not by being spiteful or by being a bitch,
But, by finally saying “this is a bunch of shit”,
It’s long overdue for you to have to pay,
By learning how to be a man and to stop using me,
My retirement’s depleted and now I owe even more,
Due to all the taxes and you trying to get me to pay even more,
By getting your little refund and thinking I would stand,
For you having the upper hand,
You sorry excuse for a man
You say I’m always black and white,
Never any shades of gray,
But, how is it that I’m the one that always says “ok”,
And, you end up with the benefit of me caving in,
Allowing you to pay less than you really owe,
Well, no more, not today,
Your gravy train is on the go.

So Much Hurt

So much hurt, so much debt,
So much pain and sorrow,
I think It’s only fair we both wake up tomorrow,
Knowing that I have a plan,
Still you beg, steal, and borrow,
You act as if I’m immune to feeling any pain,
And that you’re the only one that ever should complain,
About the fact that you owe half of all the debts incurred,
During the past eleven years,
Man, you really are a turd!

Thank you. Thank you very much.
I’ll be here all weekend.

Crying in Church

Is crying in church and at lunch gonna change the amount of debt I owe?

Probably not, but I don’t care, I’m letting the tears flow.

I borrow from you, then borrow from them and try to pay it back,

But, how the hell can I keep up when bills continue to stack?

I know one day it will all be better,

But, right now I’m unsure,

How to get things back on track and how to make it work,

My credit score still really sucks even though bills paid on time,

Thanks to that special someone that is no longer mine.

If I don’t have the money this week, how the hell will I have it the next?

I Don’t Have to Lie

You can lie to me.

You can lie to our sons and daughters.

You can lie to your ex-wife.

And, you can lie to your girlfriend.

But, believe me, in the end,

Your lies will come to haunt you.

I know the truth and so do our children.

I don’t have to lie.

Your own actions and your own words

Showed them by and by

Who you were and who you are

And how you always try

To make things look like you’re the best,

And how you made their Mommy cry.

I don’t have to lie.

I don’t have to lie.

High up on a Shelf

All those things I used to do to take care of myself,
You and I both know were placed high up on a shelf.
But, now that you have left us, I see no reason why
To keep such important things up on a shelf so high
So, when I stumbled over our old step ladder,
I decided then and there
That I really DO matter.
Each time I step up on those steps and reach up high and find
A little more self respect
And get a kick in my behind.
I know it’s just God’s way
Of telling me I’m still pretty,
But, that I should brush my hair and become a bit more witty.
He made you leave me so that I could find
The person that I used to be in 1999.
And, now that I’ve found the person that I used to be,
Everyone will soon see
That I’ll no longer stand for you demeaning me.
So, this is my goodbye to you
And my hello to the new old me.